Friday, March 25, 2011

gud rElAt!Ons hArd tO f!nd...

Stry of day:
2 childhud frnz wnt thru scul n clg n joind
army 2gthr. War broke out n dey wer fytng in d same unit.
Bulets flyng al ovr, out of darknes came a voice,
"Harry, pl cum n hlp me." Harry rcgnizd its his frn. He askd d captain if he cud go. D cptn said, "No, I cnt affrd to lose 1 more prsn.
N he is nt gng to make it."
Harry kpt quiet. Again voice
came, "Harry, pl cum n hlp me."
Again n agn d voice came. Harry cudnt resist nw n told d cptn, "Cptn, dis is my frn. I hv 2 go n hlp."
D cptn let him go. Harry crawled n draggd Bill bck. Dey found dat Bill ws dead. D captain
shoutd on Harry, "Didn't I tell u he ws nt gng to make it? He is dead, u cud
hv been killd n I cud hv lost a hand. Dat ws a mistak." Harry rplyd,
"Captain, I did ryt. Whn I reachd Bill he ws still alive n his last wrds
wer 'Frn, I knew u wud cum."'
Moral: Gud relatnshps diff to find n once found must b nurtured:-)

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